My Journey - going from healing myself to becoming a healer

I had been searching for answers since I was a child as to why I never felt well and seemed to only get increasingly unwell over time. Over my lifetime I’ve seen countless doctors and alternative medicine practitioners and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to figure out what was wrong with me. My life consisted of jumping from specialist to specialist, chasing my symptoms, all seemingly unrelated to each other. I got diagnosed with everything under the sun - Lyme, CIRS, Fibromyalgia, CFS, EBV, MCAS, thyroid disease, and the list goes on. 

I learned how to retrain my brain to change my response to my symptoms and regulate my nervous system and then everything else I was doing for my health – living a healthy lifestyle, spirituality, etc. all fell into place and I started to THRIVE for the first time in my life. I went from being hopeless and bed bound to being full of joy and having more energy than I know what to do with! I learned how to manage my energy, unlearn unhealthy belief systems, set boundaries, develop a spiritual practice, and align with my true self. We are SO powerful we just need to learn how to harness it!  

I became a Certified Herbalist, Reiki Therapist, and Support Coach so I could help guide and support others who have been struggling and share the wisdom I learned on my journey. I believe I was put on this path to learn how to heal myself so I could empower others to heal themselves. To help others overcome blocks and reach health, life, relationship, and professional goals that were previously out of reach.

If you’d like to work together please book a free discovery call, I’d love to learn how I can support you.


How I'm Healing on Instagram

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